pod redakcją Anny RĘBOWSKIEJ
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Od Redakcji, s. 3
Anna Karnat-Napieracz, Od filozofii ku socjologii. Floriana Znanieckiego program reformy nauk humanistycznych, s. 5-24
From philosophy to sociology. Florian Znaniecki's
programme of human sciences reform.The article deals with the issue of reformulating the status of human sciences, undertaken by
Florian Znaniecki on the background of the anti-positivist turn at the beginning ofthe 20 th cen-
tury. His programme of reforming human sciences, which Znaniecki was realising in the course
of his long-lasting intellectual activity, was accompanied by a transition from a philosophical re-
flection on the form of social sciences to sociological research activity. It resulted in Znaniecki's
own, self-elaborated, original theoretical system in sociology, and in a wider perspective - in
a new outlook on the form of human sciences. His culturalist vision of the society combines the
elements of the anti-positivist turn with a moderate inclination to the - more and more popular
at the time - psychological explanations. Despite a certain degree of approval of positivist
norms determining the science, Znaniecki represents a different, humanistic approach. Besides
other reasons, it is due to the fact that Znaniecki's theory very determinately locates man in the
social world by means of the activities he performs. Moreover, Znaniecki remains a pioneer
(and, so far, an undiscovered initiator) of the trends which connected the creation of the social
world structures with the development of the individual (e.g. symbolic interactionism). What is
more, his construction of the scientific sociology is based on the original theory of conscious-
ness, which enables the union ofthe social and individual worlds. Starting with the critique of
the mainstream trends of social sciences development at the turn of the 20 th century, Znaniecki
created his own model of the human sciences, which, when it comes to the range and richness
of contents, can be compared to the sociological systems by Max Weber and Georg Simmel.
Ewa Czerwińska, Kryminologia humanistyczna Leona Tyszkiewicza jako przykład koncepcji integracyjnej, s. 25-33
Leon Tyszkiewicz's humanist criminology
as an example of integrative conception.The reason for recalling Tyszkiewicz's humanist criminology is the discussion of the phe-
nomenon of crime, going in Poland and other countries. The concept is presented against the
background of the state of the art of criminology in the 19 11I and 20 11I centuries, especially in the
context of the debate between positivism and anti-positivism. Further, the author of the article
concentrates on the presentation and analysis of the double-pragmaticality of the concept, its
concurrence with the modem trends in criminology, considering the factor of the will and the
so-called decision-making flexibility, and on the criminogenesis with the most important ele-
ments that appear in its examination. Finally, the author presents the major achievements of
humanist criminology and shows the possibilities of its application in theoretical and research
areas concerning the phenomenon of crime.
Janusz A. Majcherek, Spór o kulturowe uwarunkowanie demokracji, s. 34-44
Dispute on the cultural conditions of democracy.Problems connected with the democratization of societies from outside the circle of Eu-
ropean civilization give rise to politically-theoretical doubts and disagreement concerning the
socio-cultural conditions of establishing and functioning of democracy. In such dispute, the
particularists oppose the universalists, arguing for the strict (in some approaches: indissoluble)
connection of democracy, and especially its axiological bases, with the particular cultural con-
text, and, what follows, for the impossibility of its durable correlation with other cultural pat-
terns. A critical analysis of their arguments, however, shows their considerable weakness and
limitations, which can be interpreted as supporting the arguments for the universalist attitude.
Especially the opinions of theoreticians from outside the Western civilization circle, following
this line, are significant in the dispute.
Dominika Sozańska, Czy mamy w Polsce chadecję? s. 45-59
Do we have Christian democracy in Poland? The author begins from constructing a model of a Christian democratic party to analyse
in turn sociopolitical conditions which gave rise to the emergence of such parties in Western
Europe. Next, the model is applied to those Polish parties which declare commitment to Chri-
stian heritage. Even though some of these parties have Christian democratic features in their
programmes, they avoid being labelled as Christian democracies.
Anna Andrusiewicz, Transformacje kobiety w gotycyzmie. Kulturowa feminizacja zła, s. 60-68
Transformations of a woman in Gothicism. Cultural feminization of evil.Modem Gothicism is a cultural hybrid, a sinister bricolage, that uses and transforms many
classic archetypes, myths and elements, known from centuries. With a unique ability of trans-
gression and modifications, it has always attracted all differences and dissamility that western
civilisations tries so hard to ignore, avoid or hide. One of such cultural threads is a woman,
which personify social oppression, isolation, persecution, alienation and unknown. Gothicism
seeks her strength in both supernatural, miraculous abilities and feminine power, fascination
and freed sexuality. The article analyses cultural feminization of evil in an aspect of Gothicism,
starting from mythical and antique feminine characters, through medieval Slavonic vampire
beliefs and legends, historical persona of Elisabeth Bathory, to seductive femme fatales from
early 20th century films, and modem mass culture with it's dark feminine icons.
Feminizing of evil is particularly well portrayed through classic gothic archetype - female
vampires, which, well known from antique times, became notably popular thanks to 19th centu-
ry Romanticism. Thanks to romantic sensibility vampire becomes much more thanjust a part of
folklore. Female vampire symbolises cultural rebellion, sexual emancipation, social revolution
and breaking oppressive social norms. She also denies all traditional female social roles. Mo-
dern characters of femme fatale and vamps are continuation of demonic women's phenomenon.
Still present, not only in Gothicism, but also in a mass culture, equally fascinate and revolt.
Woman's transformation in Gothicism has two different dimensions. The first emphasises
her liberation and emancipation through evil. Second one is transformation of of social and
cultural differences and dissimilarity into the feminine gothic character.
Dorota Czakon, Kobiety na polskim rynku pracy, s. 69-83
Women in the Polish job market.In Poland, women's situation in the job market is much worse than men's. Despite the fact
that statistically women are better educated than men, they have fewer possibilities of finding
ajob and constitute the majority of the unemployed. They also have a smaller chance of being
promoted. The higher in the professional hierarchy, the fewer women - proportionally - oc-
cupy these positions. Generally, regardless ofthe type of job and the position occupied, women
statistically receive lower payment than men.
The Polish legal system has been adapted to the EU standards, where the principles of
equality of sexes are strictly observed, including the issue of equal remuneration for the same
work and the work of the same value; however, in the last couple of years the situation has not
improved, and in some aspects it has been even worse.
Anna Żywot, Socjologiczny wymiar logopedii, s. 84-91
Sociological aspects of logopedics.Calling for a multidisciplinary approach to logopedics, the present article follows the - so
important nowadays - currents of cognitive science, which propose a holistic view of the ques-
tions of mind and cognition in general. The thesis of the article is the necessity of taking into
account the sociological aspects of language acquisition and speech disorders mechanisms in
teaching and practice of logopedics. The basic assumption is that an individual acquires lan-
guage in the process of socialization, but at the same time this process is not possible without
the development of speech. Therefore subsequent stages of socialization, with a special empha-
sis on language development, are presented, (according to G.H. Mead and E. Erikson), and the
connection is shown between these sociological theories and the subject of logopedic research.
It is also shown that disintegration of the language system, due to brain damage resulting from
an accident or illness, becomes not only a medical or logopedic problem, but, to a great extent,
a sociological one, associated with pathological functioning of the patient in the society. The
article thus treats language behaviour as a part of social behaviour in general, and proposes that
the issues of speech development and its disorders should be examined in this context.
Tatiana Majcherkiewicz, Kształtowanie polskiej regionalnej elity administracyjnej a wyzwania reintegracji Górnego Śląska w latach 1918-1939, s. 92-129
Sociological aspects of logopedics.Calling for a multidisciplinary approach to logopedics, the present article follows the - so
important nowadays - currents of cognitive science, which propose a holistic view of the ques-
tions of mind and cognition in general. The thesis of the article is the necessity of taking into
account the sociological aspects of language acquisition and speech disorders mechanisms in
teaching and practice of logopedics. The basic assumption is that an individual acquires lan-
guage in the process of socialization, but at the same time this process is not possible without
the development of speech. Therefore subsequent stages of socialization, with a special empha-
sis on language development, are presented, (according to G.H. Mead and E. Erikson), and the
connection is shown between these sociological theories and the subject of logopedic research.
It is also shown that disintegration of the language system, due to brain damage resulting from
an accident or illness, becomes not only a medical or logopedic problem, but, to a great extent,
a sociological one, associated with pathological functioning of the patient in the society. The
article thus treats language behaviour as a part of social behaviour in general, and proposes that
the issues of speech development and its disorders should be examined in this context.
Michał Zajączkowski, Sens czy bezsens stosowania aktu łaski generalej jako środka resocjalizacji? O amnestiach w obliczu doświadczeń Polski Ludowej, s. 130-143
The sense of the act of general pardon as a means of resocialization: on the amnesties in the experience of the Polish People's Republic.In the first part, the author of the article describes the detailed form of the act of grace in
the form of amnesty. The general assumptions of the theory of law, criminology and politics
concerning amnesty are presented, as well as its history in Poland in the 20 th century (especially
in the period of PRL).
A considerable pan of the analysis is based on the regulations contained in the normative
decree on amnesty, issued on the 21't of July 1969, and on the published results of research on
the effects and efficiency of this solution as regards resocialization. These results show that ne-
arly 68% of the amnestied returned to criminal activity in a short time or neglected the imposed
work obligation. The results thus form a basis for the recognition that using amnesty as a tool of
resocialization is unjustified. On the grounds of both theoretical assumptions and the conducted
sociological research, it has been concluded that amnesty cannot realise most of the goals of the
judicial institutions and the legal and penal policy of a democratic lawful state.
The final part of the article concerns the policy of pardon after the system transformations
of 1989. A doubt-raising practice of issuing individual acts of grace (which, to a large extent,
replaced the devalued institution of amnesty) again encourages the acceptance of the claim that
the widely-understood act of grace (in any form), as an exceptional act, should be used with
great caution and solely to express the obvious sense of justice felt by the society, which, in the
ever-changing conditions, is not always closely followed by the law.
Artur Jachna, Obchody Tygodnia Ligi Obrony Powietrznej i Przeciwgazowej na terenie województwa krakowskiego w 1936 roku, s. 144-153
Celebrations of the week of The Airborne and Anti-gas Defence league in the Cracow voivodship in 1936.The article is a contribution to the research into the history of the Airborne and Anti-
gas Defence League, a mass social organisation, which functioned in Poland between the two
World Wars. In the I930s the League functioned as a social association of higher utility. It rece-
ived many privileges facilitating its activity, yet in return it was transformed from an aviation-
lovers society into a state agency, and was supposed to realise some of the government's tasks
concerning the air-defence works and preparing people to passive air defence in case of war.
One of the forms of social popularisation of the aviation development and air- and gas-defence
programme were cycles of mass events. "Aviation weeks" had also a financial dimension, as
they always brought considerable income to the institution. The article presents such activities
of the League on the example of the Cracow voivodship in the summer and autumn of 1936.
An attempt is also made to show the social mechanisms functioning on a different scale in other
voivodships of Poland in the same period of time.
Anna Rębowska, Krakowskie "blokowiska" w sondażu studenckim, s. 154-170
The Cracow tower-blocks housing estates in a students' survey.The present survey has been conducted by the students of the Philosophy Department of
the Cracow Pedagogical University, as part of their course in sociological research methodo-
logy (including different types of surveys and the structuring of a questionnaire). The subject
of the survey, which the students found very interesting, is connected with a larger work by
the author, conducted under a grant from Komitet Badań Naukowych (State Committee for
Scientific Research)
After a preliminary analysis of problems that appear in a number of Cracow housing esta-
tes, four of them were selected for the survey; these estates (Azory, Bieńczyce, Płaszów, and
Ruczaj) perfectly illustrate the common understanding of the term "blokowisko" (a large ho-
using estate consisting of blocks of flats) and are located in different parts ofthe city.
The questionnaire included two sets of questions: the first concerned social problems;
the second one concentrated on the functional, technical and esthetical values of the estate. As
it was impossible to choose the respondents randomly, the achieved results were relativized
according to the respondent's age, sex, education, and the period of living in the estate.
In general, the Azory estate received the highest approval of its inhabitants. Other estates
were evaluated differently by respondents of different profiles. Respondents with higher edu-
cation were quite satisfied with the Ruczaj estate, and gave lowest marks to Bieńczyce. Respon-
dents with vocational and secondary education definitely preferred Bieńczyce. Men praised
the commuting transport availability in Płaszów, while women valued more the green areas of
Ruczaj, complained about safety in Bieńczyce, but were most dissatisfied with Plasz6w. The
Bieńczyce estate is preferred by the previous inhabitants of other Nowa Huta estates, while the
newcomers do not enjoy living there. Plasz6w is the most popular among the inhabitants from
local Cracow families.
The detailed questions asked in the survey allow to analyse the opinions of respondents of
particular profiles with respect to many social and functional values of the estates, and thus to
search for the source of more or less appreciative attitude towards their place of living. Yet the
most interesting results were obtained from the analysis of answers to open questions in the in-
troductory and middle part of the questionnaire. It revealed the criteria which - consciously or
not - the respondents followed while expressing their general attitude towards the estate. These
criteria included, first of all the, distance from the city centre, good connection with other dis-
tricts, friendly social surroundings and quiet, calm and safe neighbourhood. Potential reasons
for moving chiefly included the need to improve the ecological conditions of living.
Mirosław Boruta, Socjolog wobec odmiany nazwisk we współczesnej polszczyźnie prasowej, s. 171-177
A sociologist view of surnames declination in the modem Polish press language. The interest in surnames is not unusual among scientists. Surnames and their socio-cultural
dimensions are the topic of ethnographic, historical, and sociological works, but most of all -
concerning the number of studies - of linguistic investigation. The surname, as Jarosław Maciej
Zawadzki says, is "a historical document of a kind, which certifies the continuity of family [...]
then, for each of us, it is a precious heirloom, an immaterial value inherited from our ancestors,
and frequently - a source of vast knowledge about the roots of our family".
The author of this paper found it interesting how often Polish surnames are incorrectly
inflected in modem Polish; the linguistic material for these considerations are press announce-
ments in the Cracow daily "Dziennik Polski" (obituaries) and the nation-wide daily "Rzeczpo-
spolita" (court announcements).
In connection with the title of the article by Irena Bajerowa "Wstyd nie odmieniać na-
zwisk..." (It's a shame not to inflect surnames), the author encourages the readers to infle-
ct surnames correctly, which he perceives as an important issue, not only from the point of
view of linguistic correctness, but also of social life and respect for the value which surnames
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