STUDIA SOCIOLOGICA IV (2012), vol.2                                                                        - wróć do archiwum -

Migracje, tożsamość, etniczność

pod redakcją: Mariusza DZIĘGLEWSKIEGO



Od Redakcji 5

Welcome 6


Mariusz Dzięglewski, Współczesne studia migracyjne jako wielowymiarowa układanka, s. 7-13

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Mariusz Dzięglewski, Contemporary Migration Studies as a Multi-dimensional Jigsaw, s. 14-20

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Małgorzata Irek, New Wave, Old Ways? Post-accession Migration from Poland Seen from the Perspective of the Social Sciences, s. 21-30

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Michał P. Garapich, Between Cooperation and Hostility – Constructions of Ethnicity and Social Class among Polish Migrants in London, s. 31-45

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Anna Karnat-Napieracz, Local, National and European Identity in the Age of Globalisation – a Sociological Perspective, s. 46-55

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Ciupijus Zinovijus, Making Sense of Their Own Mobile Identities in Internally Borderless Europe: Europeans, Poles, ‘Bread’ Migrants, Catholics..., s. 56-71

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Małgorzata Krywult-Albańska, Profil demograficzny polskich imigrantów poakcesyjnych w Wielkiej Brytanii, s. 72-80

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Peter Mühlau, The Employment and Earnings Mobility of Polish Migrants in Ireland in the Recession, s. 81-94

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Beata Sokołowska, Acculturation: Why Is It Not Always Desirable to ‘Fit’? Migratory Narratives from Ireland, s. 95-105

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Justyna Bell, Migration as Multiple Pathways. Narrative Interviews with Polish Migrants in Belfast, Northern Ireland, s. 106-118

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Barbara Czarnecka, W poszukiwaniu oznak szoku kulturowego – polskie imigrantki w Wielkiej Brytanii, s. 119-126

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Joanna Kosmalska, Immigration and Primary Education in Ireland, s. 127-146

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Ireneusz Kawecki, Anna Kwatera, Bożena Majerek, Sławomir Trusz, The Social and Educational Situation of Circular Migrants’ Children In Poland, s. 147-161

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Paulina Pustułka, Polish Mothers on the Move: Transnationality and Discourses of Gender, Care, and Co-residentiality Requirement in the Narratives of Polish Women Raising Children in the West, s. 162-175

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Conference, s. 176-180

Upcoming Events, s. 181-182

Authors, s. 183


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