Author Guidelines

  1. The length requirement for the article is up to 40 000 symbols (including spaces).
  2. The submission of the text, correspondence, revisions should be made by electronic exchanges over the Internet. Electronic version of the paper in a *.doc file (Word 97-2003) should be emailed to Evecutive Editor of the issue (look it up at CALL FOR PAPERS)
  3. The article should be formatted according to ‘The Article Formatting Template’ (attached) and should include fallowing instructions
  4. font of the main text: 12 Times New Roman,
      - spacing: 1,5
      - margins: left – 3 cm, right – 2 cm,
      - paragraph: an extra spacing for each paragraph
  5. The text should include:
     - the abstract of not more than 100 words summarizing the key findings of the paper,
    - author’s short academic bio and the most important publications (according to ‘The Article Formatting Template’),
  6. Tables, figures, diagrams should be saved in as separate files. Accepted file formats are: CDR, EPS, TIFF and      JPG. Insert a location note. e.g., 'Table 2 about here,' at the appropriate place in the text. All tables and figures        should be adjusted to the column (13x19 cm). All tables must have title legend. Font size in the table is 10p
  7.Photographic images should be saved in as a separate TIFF or JPG files. We suggest that photos and art work be saved as a files with a resolution of 300 dpi at final size.


References  and footnotes

  1. footnotes should be numbered sequentially as superscript Arabic numerals in the appropriate positions in the text. Footnote numbers should be placed after punctuation. Information on interviews, archival sources, websites and non-standard references should be given in footnotes at the bottom of the page, not in the reference list,

e.g. Vaira Vke-Freiberga (2005). Declaration. 12 May 2005, [online:], accessed 17 January 2006,

  1. references should use the Harvard system for published works, i.e. authors' name, date of publication, and page numbers (if required) in brackets in the text. e.g. 'Sakwa (1999, pp. 141-42) suggested that …' and 'recent studies have shown that … (Aleksashenko 1999, p.79; Hanson 1996; Volkov 1999, p. 748)'. If reference is made to more than one publication by an author in the same year this should be indicated by lower case letters in alphabetical order immediately after the year of publication.
  2. full details should then be provided in a section under the heading References at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order, according to examples provided below:

- books, monographs:

Anwar M. (1979). The Myth of Return: Pakistanis in Britain. London: Heinemann.

- edited volumes:

Gibson J. & Hanson P. (eds) (1996). Transformation from Below: Local Power and the Political Economy of Post-Communist Transitions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

- chapters in edited volumes:

Cummins J. (1991). Interdependence of first and second-language proficiency in bilingual children. In E. Bialystok (ed.) Language Processing in Bilingual Children. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 102-145.

- articles in journals:

Volkov V. (1999) .Violent Entrepreneurship in Post-Communist Russia. Europe-Asia Studies, 51, 5, July, p. 19-35.

- conference proceedings:

Naughton B. (2008) ESOL, international students and second evel schools: issues, chellenges and possible solutions. Paper presented at County Dublin VEC ESOL Conference, 17 April.


The Style Convention

a. quoted matter up to 50 words or so may be included in the main text using single quotes (double quotes within quotes). Displayed quotes of more than 50 words are indented from the text and do not require quotes,

b. where in-depth interviews are mentioned, authors should provide number of the interview, sex and age of the interviewee in brackets, e.g. [w21, male, 25]

c. chapters, subtitles should be given as follows:



                        next level – bold without numeration

d. list of items:



3)   or:


e. reference to an author in the main text should be given in full (first name and surname) at first mention, followed by the surname only at the second mention,

f. titles of the book, movie, recording should be given in italic script, e.g. The Dark Side of the Moon,

g. dates should be given in full, e.g. 11th September 2011,

h. years should be given as follows: 20s, 30s, 70s,

i. all numbers greater than 10 should be expressed in numerical form rather than in words,

j. percentage should be given in full, e.g. 15 percent, 32 percent,

k. centuries should be given as follows: 17th century, 18th century,

l. all non-English words should be in italic script, and along with all non-English names, they should be spelled with accents and diacritical marks included,

m. the expressions in litt., op. cit. and ibid. should be avoided,

n. ‘STUDIA SOCIOLOGICA’ uses UK English. Use -ise, -isation, etc (realise, organisation, etc) throughout.

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